Thursday, January 8, 2009

Four Months...lots of pictures and a video

So Lincoln is about 4 1/2 months now...I'm a little behind. Monday he had his four month check-up (that's what I was waiting for), including shots. He actually did much better with the shots this time around. The first shot he just sat there, the second one it took him a second to realize what was going on, and then he started crying. When he get the third one he started screaming, but it didn't last nearly as long as the time before. So Lincoln weighs 18 lb 3 oz and is 27 inches long. He is in the 97th percentile for both height and weight! I'm so glad I have such a big, healthy boy.

We are pretty sure he is teething, so he always has something in his mouth...including coffee tables

As I said in the last post he has started sitting (but still has some balance issues...he is top heavy). My boppy helps to balance him.

He is finally sleeping through the night, and has been for a little while now. One night he even slept for 11 hours from 9 pm to 8 am! I am definitely loving that. It is so much easier to handle. I am such a lightweight now. I often go to bed at 10:30 or 11. Sometimes I feel bad though because the nighttime is often the only time Ryan and I have to spend together, and then I go and pass out. Sorry Ryan!

Lincoln has also discovered his feet. When we lay him down he almost immediately throws his feet up in the air and starts grabbing them. Ryan said yesterday he was trying to eat them.

Something else he does that I think is cute, sometimes when I kiss Lincoln on the cheek he will turn and put his wide open mouth on my cheek, returning the kiss. It is so cute. I just love him so much and love watching all the new things he does.

We are trying to get him to hold his own bottle

Playing with mom

The cutest little boy...what can I say, I'm a little biased

Lincoln has started laughing more. He has the cutest laugh...enjoy!


Hope said...

He is adorable. I loved the video. Lillian weighed 18 lbs at her 1 year check up - so when I read Lincoln's 4 mo's it made me laugh :D

Lily said...

i especially LOVE the pic of Lincoln biting the coffee table! he is so cute!

Melisa said...

He is so stinkin' cute! Sorry, but Daven had a few pounds on him at that age. I love big rolly polly babies!

Hooray for sleeping all night!

katie said...

Super cute! I love the name Lincoln, by the way. We are totally for Presidential names!