Monday, January 19, 2009

Good Weekend

So this past weekend Ryan and I had our first night without Lincoln. We both had to work at the theatre Friday night and work Saturday morning as well, so rather than picking up Lincoln from Grandma and Grandpa Dempsey's at like 1:30 or 2 am, and bringing him back in the morning, we decided to leave him overnight. Luckily he was good so the grandparents will do it again sometime. I didn't really notice it at night, since Lincoln sleeps through the night now, but I did definitely appreciate being able to sleep in for a good extra 3 hours or so. It was amazing.

Saturday night we picked up Lincoln. When we got home I spent a little time loving on him. I definitely missed his adorable face and smile. I was saying hi to him over and over because I swear he was trying to say hi back to me. So since then I've been trying to get him to do it again. We fed him and he fell asleep for the night, so we packed him up and decided to go out to eat (we got gift certificates for Texas Roadhouse we wanted to use). It was nice to go out to eat and spend time together. Then we just went home and relaxed, and watched some TV. What a good night.

Sunday we went to church, and had a very happy baby in sacrament meeting. So happy in fact, we had to take him out he was being so loud. Later when we were in primary with the kids I was holding Lincoln on my lap and felt something warm. He peed on my lap! Awesome! So Ryan goes to change him and his clothes weren't even wet! How did this happen? There was a definite wet spot on my lap. Mysterious. Later that night we went over to Joel and Michela's to hang out for a while.

What a good weekend...minus the pee in the lap, of course.

1 comment:

Melisa said...

Aren't overnight babysitting visits awesome? Not that you don't love your kid, but the break can be great! :)

When Daven was a baby, he exploded on one of the YW. She still hasn't forgiven me. :)