Thursday, January 29, 2009

Movin' Baby

Lincoln with Grandpa Dempsey

So Lincoln is 5 months old now. He is a very happy baby. He is almost always smiling or laughing. In fact, just the other day Ryan had him on his lap and they were watching Spongebob, and Lincoln was actually laughing at the show. He would look at the TV and laugh and then look at me and smile like he was trying to get my approval. It was so cute. Unfortunately we did not get it on video. Lincoln does really well with other people too. Pretty much anyone can hold him and he doesn't care. He is still the same happy baby. We are hoping that he will stay that way. We don't want a super clingy baby, we want him to be comfortable around other people when we have to leave him somewhere.

He is very strong and always looking around. He is very aware of what is going on. He is getting so big. We have decided that we have to get him a new car seat. He already fits in there pretty snugly and his feet already almost reach past the end of the seat. He hates being in his car seat, but I think if he is sitting up in the car seat he will not hate it as much.

He is so close to sitting up by himself. Most of the time he can do it, but then he gets excited and throws himself backward. So unless he is on the bed we have to have him sit in his Boppy to support him. Last Friday Lincoln finally rolled over from his back to his front, then Monday he rolled from his stomach to his back. He is now rolling back and forth like crazy. We have been trying to do better with feeding him cereal (we have been a little lazy). He loves it! He gets so excited when I go to feed him. He just smiles when I put the cereal in his mouth and he always tries to grab the bowl and the spoon.

Last week was Lincoln's cousin Jackson's first birthday. Time really flies. He had a big birthday party and everything.

Now in less than two weeks Lincoln will have another cousin. We are so excited!

1 comment:

Melisa said...

He's movin'?! Look out! The beginning of movement was the beginning to the end of my clean house. ;) fun times!