Thursday, August 20, 2009

Well, it has been a couple of weeks since I have updated everyone. I am warning you now, this is going to be a little long.

My brother Eric is home from his mission. He was not supposed to come back until next month, but hurt his knee and had to come home for surgery. It is good to have him home though. It was nice to be able to actually talk to him...since I am the worst sister and didn't write him very much while he was on his mission. I can't wait to actually see him again.

On a sadder note, Ryan's grandma passed away two weeks ago. She had lung cancer and was in a lot of pain. So at least she is not hurting now. It was very sad, but it makes me feel better to know that we will be able to see her again some day. It was hard for me too since I don't have any more grandmas and she was my grandma too for the past five years. We had gone to see her the previous Saturday, since the doctors knew she didn't have a lot of time left. She was really lethargic and didn't really acknowledge anyone when they were talking to her. She got to see Lincoln and Jackson (her two great-grandsons) and that actually made her wake up and happy. When we were there she was holding Lincoln's hand and talking to him. She really loved them. It was nice to be able to see her happy, in spite of the pain, before she died.

Lincoln is walking!! He no longer has to be coaxed along, or have his hands held, he went from finally pulling himself up from the floor last Tuesday, to walking around everywhere on Thursday. He just decided it was time I guess. He still crawls a lot of the time though because he can get around faster. He is active in just about every way too. He climbs everything. He loves to be moving in any way. He loves to swing, go down the slides, be thrown in the air, spun around, and even went on a trampoline not too long ago, and loved it. He is such a boy!! He is getting yet two more teeth. He still doesn't really say anything but "da-da" over and over again, but he definitely understands a lot. He knows what "no" means and hates it when we say it to him (usually over and over because he likes to test us). He usually starts to pout and cry when we tell him no. He still has the saddest, cutest pout and my heart melts almost every time he does it.

Some new things Lincoln does now...Ryan taught him how to shoot a basket in his little basketball hoop (but as a result now he likes to throw anything and everything), he pushes his cars around the floor, he loves to look at books, he can give people high-five, he can clap and will do it when asked, he dances to any kind of music...even opening and closing credits to shows or movies. Speaking of which, he knows and loves the theme song to Spongebob. He can be in the other room and if he hears it he will speed crawl (soon to be running) into the room just to watch the TV. That song, as well as "Show Me What I'm Looking For" by Carolina Liar are his favorite songs. They can usually even calm him down if he is crying. He is getting to be such a big boy!!

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