Friday, July 24, 2009

Fun Times at the Zoo

Last week we were able to go to the zoo a couple of times. Wednesday we went to the Potter Park Zoo for the Free Zoo Days. Lincoln and I went with Grandma Dempsey, Mandy, and Jackson. It was nice. The admission and parking was free and there was face painting (which Lincoln wouldn't tolerate), and free popsicles and snacks throughout the Zoo. Lincoln didn't look at many of the animals. He was a little tired. The weather wasn't the greatest either, so a lot of the animals weren't even out, but it was still fun to go spend the time with family.

Lincoln and Jackson petting the goats.

Lincoln got a tattoo on his hand, both boys pet the goats (above) and they even went on a pony ride. Lincoln's pony's name was Big Red. I thought that was very fitting, given Lincoln's red hair. He loved the pony ride. He couldn't stop touching his mane. It took a while for him to even look up for a picture. The boys loved the zoo...Jackson a little more than Lincoln, of course.

Lincoln riding the pony

Saturday we went to the Detroit Zoo. Lincoln was a little more alert this time. He actually looked at some of the animals. He loved the zebras and giraffes, and he was mezmerized by the gorillas. He even got a toy snake at the gift shop. He was so excited when we gave it to him.

He loved it when he got to play with the animal statues

We got to see a polar bear playing over the water tunnel

I got to feed a giraffe. That was pretty cool. Their tongues are so long. Unfortunately we didn't get a good picture of it because I fed it too fast.

This is when I was feeding the giraffe. I'm on the left of this picture

Lincoln and me after a long day at the zoo. It was a lot of fun.

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