Thursday, November 13, 2008


So I haven't had a post in a while so I figured I would try to update everyone a little. Lincoln will be three months old next week, but Ryan and I decided he is so big, he looks more like he is six months.

We started putting him in his jumper. He can't hold himself up completely, but he can still jump a little bit. He doesn't really do anything in it, but he is still pretty mesmerized by it. I think he is almost able to sit up by himself. I don't think it will be much longer really. He loves watching TV with Mom and Dad. If we are feeding him while we are watching TV he will turn his head while eating so he can watch too. Or if we are watching TV and holding him so he can't see, he will start to fuss, but will stop once he is sitting in front of you watching. He still smiles a lot. I think he actually almost laughed the other day, but not yet.

Daddy said "Hi" to him and he smiled REALLY big!
It looks like he is laughing. He loves Daddy.

I think he is going to have the cutest laugh. I still love when he coos. We haven't taken any pictures recently with our camera (only with our cell phone), but I will try to post some on here soon.


Melisa said...

Wow! What an adorable smile

The Dalton Family said...

OH my goodness, he looks like such a happy baby. Glad to hear all is well with you and your family. Keep posting pictures, he is adorable.