Saturday, October 11, 2008

Not so little

So my little boy is not so little, in fact he is quite a big boy. It may have something to do with the fact that he is a very healthy eater, I don't know.

I don't know how much
he weighs now, but at one month he had already packed on more than two pounds more. He hides the weight well though, as he does not appear fat. He is very well proportioned. He is not even two months old yet, but he has been wearing three month clothes for probably at least a month now.

Not only is he b
ig, but he is super strong too. He was already holding his own head up at one day old, but fairly recently he started really kicking his legs. If you hold him up he will now jump on your lap. I'll have to see if I can get a video of it. I have a feeling he is going to grow really fast. I better not blink because I don't want to miss anything.

Kamina loves Lincoln

It's crazy how much he looks like Ryan!

Kamina is a good big sister

This one is great because they are in the same pose

Compared to tiny little Raelani, Lincoln is a beast. They are one month apart!

Cora with our two cuties.
Who knew when we became roommates 6 years ago that we would become best friends and have our kids grow up together?

1 comment:

Jamie Lewis said...

Sounds like my boys. Noah has always needed bigger clothes. I have a picture of him with a purple shirt that looks like the buttons are going to pop off because its so small. But the sad truth is he was only 4 1/2 months old and the suit was a size 12months! They do grow fast!