Monday, October 27, 2008

Husband Tag

Where did you meet your husband? At Celebration Cinema, where we both still work.

How long have you been married? 2 years + 2 weeks

What does he do that surprises you? He rubs my feet, even when they are dirty or stinky.

What is your favorite feature of his?His smile/laugh...I can't get enough of his laugh.

Does he have any annoying habit? Sometimes he will pull his eyelashes out...I hate that.

What is your favorite quality of his? That he is passive, just like me, and doesn't let things get to him. Also, I love it when he sings and changes the words of the song to go with the current situation. It is usually pretty humorous.

Does he have a nickname for you? Nomes or babe.

What is his favorite color? It changes from time to time, but I'm pretty sure it is still yellow.

What is his favorite food? Pizza

What is his favorite sport? It is now golf.

When and where was your first kiss? March 5, 2004 in his car in front of my apartment...that was the official start of our relationship.

What is your favorite thing to do as a couple? I guess see movies...I know lame, right?... since we work at a movie theatre. We don't get out much.

Do you have any kids? One 2 month old son, Lincoln.

Does he have a hidden talent? He remembers just about everything that happens to him, even the little seemingly meaningless details.

How old is he? 24...he married an older woman.

Who said I love you first? I did, and I don't let him forget it.

What is his favorite type of music? R&B, but he is starting to like rock more and more.

What do you admire most about him? How tolerable he is of my frequent laziness and his willingness to take care of things in those times. But most of all, how much love he shows for me all the time.

Will he read this? Eventually...I love you Ryan!

1 comment:

Jamie Lewis said...

Cute! I might steal this;)