Friday, July 24, 2009

Fun Times at the Zoo

Last week we were able to go to the zoo a couple of times. Wednesday we went to the Potter Park Zoo for the Free Zoo Days. Lincoln and I went with Grandma Dempsey, Mandy, and Jackson. It was nice. The admission and parking was free and there was face painting (which Lincoln wouldn't tolerate), and free popsicles and snacks throughout the Zoo. Lincoln didn't look at many of the animals. He was a little tired. The weather wasn't the greatest either, so a lot of the animals weren't even out, but it was still fun to go spend the time with family.

Lincoln and Jackson petting the goats.

Lincoln got a tattoo on his hand, both boys pet the goats (above) and they even went on a pony ride. Lincoln's pony's name was Big Red. I thought that was very fitting, given Lincoln's red hair. He loved the pony ride. He couldn't stop touching his mane. It took a while for him to even look up for a picture. The boys loved the zoo...Jackson a little more than Lincoln, of course.

Lincoln riding the pony

Saturday we went to the Detroit Zoo. Lincoln was a little more alert this time. He actually looked at some of the animals. He loved the zebras and giraffes, and he was mezmerized by the gorillas. He even got a toy snake at the gift shop. He was so excited when we gave it to him.

He loved it when he got to play with the animal statues

We got to see a polar bear playing over the water tunnel

I got to feed a giraffe. That was pretty cool. Their tongues are so long. Unfortunately we didn't get a good picture of it because I fed it too fast.

This is when I was feeding the giraffe. I'm on the left of this picture

Lincoln and me after a long day at the zoo. It was a lot of fun.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I'm alive!

I know, I know, everyone probably thought I was dead. It has been quite some time and I figured I should probably update everyone with the goings on of our family. I will apologize now for the lengthiness of this post.

Well Ashley is married now...and has been for over a month. She was absolutely beautiful and I'm so glad I got to be there. I am so happy for her, but only wish that we could be closer. I miss you.

Ashley and Zac (Welch) in front of the
Manti Temple

There isn't really anything going on with Ryan and I (as always), but Lincoln is 10 months now and is so big and so smart. At his 9 month appointment he was 22 lb 12 oz (about 90th percentile), and 30 inches tall (about 95th percentile). So yeah, he is still quite a big boy. He is very active and loves to climb up the stairs. He will do it any chance he gets and is very quick. Not only does he climb off our bed, but also off our couch now. I can tell he is going to love climbing. He is finally holding his own bottle all the time now (except when he is falling asleep) which makes things a lot easier for us. He still eats a lot though, although he is eating table food now so that saves us a little on the formula. We just can't wait until he is one and we can give him real milk.

We went camping again over Father's Day weekend and went back out on Grandma and Poppa Dempsey's boat. Lincoln was a little more awake and is getting better with the ever restraining life jacket.
He loved to have the wind in his face.

He also got to touch a fish when we went fishing.

The following weekend we went to Port Huron to visit my family. We got to go to the beach. I forgot how much I miss the beach! Lincoln got to go swimming for the first time. He did not like it at first because the water was cold, but after you got used to the water it was actually very refreshing and he had fun. We bought him a little inner tube with leg holes in it so he could just sit there and we would pull him along. He really liked it. When Lincoln was done playing in the lake we took him up to my parents and they watched him while Ryan and I relaxed in the water. It was so nice.

Lincoln also really loves dogs. Ryan's parents have a small dog and Lincoln chases it around terrorizing it. My parents have a boxer, much bigger than small. However, Lincoln was not afraid. He still went right up to her and was touching her and playing with her. When Gia kissed him with her big tongue Lincoln didn't even care. In fact, he thought it was funny, and when Gia was done kissing him, Lincoln licked her back.

Lincoln staring down Gia

We also got to see fireworks when we were in Port Huron. Fireworks are so much better off a lake! Lincoln absolutely loved them and was not afraid at you can see

While we were at my parents house Lincoln took a couple of steps too! How exciting! He was holding on to me and I stepped away and he took a couple steps. Then he took a couple of steps to Michela right after that. It won't be long. He is standing by himself more and more and walks along anything and everything. He is growing up so fast. I really can't believe that he is going to be 1 year old next month! Crazyiness! It does not seem like it has been that long, but look how big my little boy is getting...