Saturday, February 28, 2009

Almost time...

I am six months old...

...and so cute!!!

Well, it is almost vacation time. Ryan and I are going to Chicago in 9 days!! So excited. We are leaving Lincoln with Grandma and Grandpa Dempsey so we can fully enjoy it. It will be nice to have some alone time together too. We are going to have so much fun.

I was right in my last post, Lincoln did have two teeth coming in. I still don't think they are all the way in, but they are so cute. They are his two front, bottom teeth. He is eating all kinds of baby food. So far he hasn't had anything he doesn't like...but we haven't tried everything yet. I think he might even like the vegetables more than the fruit.

As you can see in this video, he is really close to crawling as well. He is pretty mobile. He is a good scooter. Now we have to really clean the floors and start babyproofing. Scary!

So last week we went and got a dishwasher. It had gotten to the point where I could just not keep up with the dishes (mostly because I am lazy). We were planning on just getting a small of those half size ones, but it turned out they had a full size movable one that was less expensive. So we lucked out. Another step to a cleaner house.

1 comment:

The Dalton Family said...

I can't believe Lincoln is six months old. And getting cuter by the day. Time really does fly. Have fun on your vacation.