Saturday, February 28, 2009

Almost time...

I am six months old...

...and so cute!!!

Well, it is almost vacation time. Ryan and I are going to Chicago in 9 days!! So excited. We are leaving Lincoln with Grandma and Grandpa Dempsey so we can fully enjoy it. It will be nice to have some alone time together too. We are going to have so much fun.

I was right in my last post, Lincoln did have two teeth coming in. I still don't think they are all the way in, but they are so cute. They are his two front, bottom teeth. He is eating all kinds of baby food. So far he hasn't had anything he doesn't like...but we haven't tried everything yet. I think he might even like the vegetables more than the fruit.

As you can see in this video, he is really close to crawling as well. He is pretty mobile. He is a good scooter. Now we have to really clean the floors and start babyproofing. Scary!

So last week we went and got a dishwasher. It had gotten to the point where I could just not keep up with the dishes (mostly because I am lazy). We were planning on just getting a small of those half size ones, but it turned out they had a full size movable one that was less expensive. So we lucked out. Another step to a cleaner house.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Ewan is here!! My new nephew Ewan was born on Monday, February 9. He weighed 7 lb 10 oz and was 21 inches long. He is such a cutie though. He doesn't really look a lot like Yohann, so I'm excited to see what he will look like when he gets a little older. Yohann is still adjusting to being a big brother. I still don't think he quite understands, and I think it will probably take a little adjusting for him.

Lincoln's "big boy" car seat was a success! I am so happy. He likes it so much more. He hardly ever even makes a peep. He is always just looking around and playing with his toys. The only downside to the new car seat is now anytime we go somewhere and he is asleep in the seat we have to wake him up, rather than just taking the whole seat with us. A small sacrifice to make to be able to sit up front with Ryan again.

Lincoln is also finally cutting his first tooth! That first day I realized it was the worst. I didn't know why he was so cranky, but nothing would soothe him. I finally stuck my finger in his mouth and ran it along his gums, and sure enough, there was a tooth. I am actually wondering if it is a couple teeth coming in at once. It is that, or a really big tooth. However, every time I try to look in Lincoln's mouth he freaks out, so I still haven't been able to tell.

We also started him on baby food. Sweet potatoes were his first food. He LOVED them. He was so cute. He just kept lunging for the bowl, smiling, and making noises. My mom was here this week to help out Joel and Michela, so she watched Lincoln a couple of times and bought him some finger food treats and fed him some bananas as well. He is loving the baby food. We went ahead and bought him his first high chair since he is going to be eating more. My dad also came into town yesterday, so today he fed him some ice cream to see how he would like it. We figured it would feel good on his gums. I don't even have to tell you that he loved that.

With Grandma at the hospital

A couple other changes with us...Ryan and I both just got promotions at work. For any of you who don't know, we both work at the movie theatre. Ryan is now the head of the projection booth. He will now be making his own schedule, which is one of the best things. I got promoted to the manager of HR. I will be doing interviews and hiring, among other things. I have never done an interview before, so it should be interesting.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

One of Lincoln's new favorite toys

Well, everyone knows it is tax season. My dad did our taxes and we knew we were going to be getting more back than last year because of Lincoln being born, but we were pleasantly surprised to find out we are getting much more than we thought. I love tax season! Ryan and I already have plans to go to Chicago (without Lincoln). We have been planning this for a little while now. We are going for 3 days, staying in a King Suite right in the middle of town (it is pretty cheap since it is not a peak period), seeing all the museums, some good restaurants, and even Blue Man Group! We are so excited. We are definitely ready for a vacation.

So we bought Lincoln's new car seat. We'll see how he likes it. Hopefully it will help him tolerate the car more. I have plans to put it in the car today, so I'll let you know what happens. This, of course, means we will have to put him in his stroller when we go somewhere instead of the car seat. We went to the mall with him though and sat him up in his stroller and he LOVED it. He just sat there, looking around, and didn't make a peep. So I think it will work out just fine. Ryan and I are planning to start jogging/running together as soon as it gets warmer. So we are also planning on buying a jogging stroller so Lincoln can come with us, naturally. Hopefully we actually follow through with this goal. We are pretty determined though.

Lincoln has been eating rice cereal for quite some time now. He is really starting to do well with keeping it in his mouth and actually eating it. So I decided that we are going to start feeding him some baby food next week. He loves the cereal, so I know he will love the fruit and veggies. It is going to be fun to see his reactions. I can't wait.

I can't believe Lincoln is almost six months old!! Time really flies. It doesn't feel like it has been that long already. In four days there will be another addition to my family. Joel and Michela are having their 2nd baby on Monday at 7 am! I am so excited to meet this little bundle of joy.