Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Fun

Well, Christmas is over and we had a great time with our families. It was nice to spend time with family. Lincoln made quite the haul with gifts. He is spoiled. He got almost all toys from the Dempsey side of the family and almost all clothes from the Griffin side, so it was a nice little balance. Ryan's parents got us a camcorder for Christmas! We are so excited. We have been talking about getting one, so it was the perfect gift. We have probably already taken at least 15 to 20 videos.

We spent Christmas Eve with Ryan's family.

As soon as we got there Lincoln opened up his stocking.

He was so cute. He got some little soft blocks and soft plastic cars, he enjoyed them and trying to eat them (as he eats everything now). After the stockings we ate and then opened presents. Lincoln slept through the whole thing. After we were finished opening his presents he woke up and we showed him everything.

Once again he decided he wanted to taste everything.

Lincoln has been almost sitting up by himself lately, but on Christmas Eve is when he did the best without help. He still kind of leans forward a little bit, but for the most part he does pretty good at not tipping over.

After we were done at Ryan's family's house we drove to Port Huron. The roads were terrible. We probably saw a good 10 cars (probably more) that had gone off the road. It probably took us an extra hour to get there, but we arrived safely.

Christmas morning my family all woke up at 7 am (as is the tradition) and sat on the stairs to wait for everyone. We took a picture of all the kids and grandkids and then went to open our stockings. After we open our stockings we go into the family room where the tree is and my dad hands out the gifts to everyone.

Behind Michela's head you can see the kitties watching us open gifts...and Yohann as Batman

Once again Lincoln slept through the opening of gifts. After all the gifts are open we all go out of the room and my dad hides the pickle ornament. For those of you don't know, the pickle ornament is exactly that, an ornament that looks like a pickle. Well it gets hidden and everyone tries to find it. The lucky person to find it gets an extra gift. I was the lucky one to find the pickle ornament this year. I think the gift this year was the best yet. I got a chocolate fountain! I was so excited! I have always wanted one.

It was great to experience Lincoln's first Christmas.

He was so cute looking at all his toys and everything. He is a very curious and active baby. I can't wait until next year when he is a little more responsive. It will be even more fun then.


Melisa said...

We have a pickle ornament too! But ours never came with a chocolate fountain. How cool! Toys just get more expensive as kids get older, but the response is bigger too!

Jamie Lewis said...

Fun! I love the pickle ornament tradition. Thats so funny!