Wednesday, November 26, 2008


So Lincoln just laughed at me for the first time tonight. It wasn't a big belly laugh or anything, but it was definitely a laugh, and so cute! I'm so glad I was here for it!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Nothing New

So there hasn't been a whole lot going on to write about. A lot if the same old thing, so I didn't want to bore you.
Lincoln is now three months old and still growing like a weed.

He is becoming a little more independent each day, which is nice because I don't have to pay attention to him every minute. A couple weeks ago he actually reached out and grabbed some of his links, and then just the other day he managed to switch them from one hand to the other. He has been learning to play in his jumper. He loves it! He just started actually playing with stuff instead of just looking at it. It is so cute because he studies really hard and then will hit or move something. I know as he gets older he is going to love it more and more. He is still just a little too short. He can touch the ground, but he kind of leans to one side or the other, or forward.

Oh how I love him!!

He is generally a very happy boy! Unless he is tired or hungry.

The picture on the left is one of my favorites
Chillin' and hanging out with Grandma Dempsey
He loves eating his hands...sleeping with Dad

We just recently started feeding Lincoln cereal occasionally. He seems to really like it. I can't wait to feed him actual baby food. I think he is going to love it. Plus he will not speed through the formula so fast. He eats so much. He is definitely a growing boy. He has been doing a lot better with sleeping too, which is very helpful to my sanity. It was definitely beginning to wear on me. He sleeps through the night for the most part. So he is doing much better.
Next weekend we are going to Frankenmuth. We are so excited. He is going to see Santa, and get his picture taken with him with his cousin Jackson. Next year will be the good year though, when he can actually understand what is going on and can enjoy it.
I LOVE being a Mom!!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008


So I haven't had a post in a while so I figured I would try to update everyone a little. Lincoln will be three months old next week, but Ryan and I decided he is so big, he looks more like he is six months.

We started putting him in his jumper. He can't hold himself up completely, but he can still jump a little bit. He doesn't really do anything in it, but he is still pretty mesmerized by it. I think he is almost able to sit up by himself. I don't think it will be much longer really. He loves watching TV with Mom and Dad. If we are feeding him while we are watching TV he will turn his head while eating so he can watch too. Or if we are watching TV and holding him so he can't see, he will start to fuss, but will stop once he is sitting in front of you watching. He still smiles a lot. I think he actually almost laughed the other day, but not yet.

Daddy said "Hi" to him and he smiled REALLY big!
It looks like he is laughing. He loves Daddy.

I think he is going to have the cutest laugh. I still love when he coos. We haven't taken any pictures recently with our camera (only with our cell phone), but I will try to post some on here soon.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Working Girl

So today was my first day back to work. It was kind of surreal. I thought once I had Lincoln that I would want to stay home with him all the time. Don't get me wrong, I love him and love watching him grow, but I need that little bit of change thrown in there as well. I am only going to be working a couple shifts a week, so I still won't be away from him that much. It gives Ryan the chance to bond with him like I do too, so that is good.

Today was Ryan's first day alone with him. He said he wouldn't be able to do it. He would get too bored. A lot of times I do get bored. I usually end up passing out with Lincoln sleeping on top of me with the TV on. That is a common occurrence since watching TV is pretty much all I do. Right now it is hard because he is so demanding. He still doesn't really do that much and I have to keep him happy, but he is slowly being able to occupy himself for longer periods of time.

He has discovered his hands, so he gnaws on them. Last night we tried to give him a toy link to hold on to so that he would try and chew on that and get used to holding something. I think when that happens, when he is able to hold and play with things he will be easier to manage, and I will be able to accomplish more in a day. I'm sure other people are able to cope and still get stuff done, but I just find it too difficult. Not to mention that he is cranky half the time from lack of sleep. For some reason we have an insomniac baby who hardly ever sleeps during the day. I can't wait until he can hold himself up a little better too so we can put him in his jumper. I'm pretty sure he is going to love that. He is changing fast.