Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Sleepless Nights

So I don't know what is going on with Lincoln right now, if it has something to do with the shots he got or what, but last night it was almost impossible to get him to stay asleep. He would fall asleep on me and he would be dead to the world, but I would put him in his crib and a couple minutes later he would be awake. He fell asleep on me at about 1:00 am, and I ended up falling asleep too. At about 2:30 or so I tried to put him down, but right as I walked into his room he opened his eyes. I was so tired. He hadn't slept hardly at all for the whole day. So Ryan ended up taking him and tried to get him to go to sleep (since I had to be up at 7:00). He finally ended up just putting him in his swing and letting him sleep there...that is the only place he would stay asleep. I asked him this morning when he finally decided to just put him in his swing and he told me it was like 5:00 or something like that!! Mean baby!! Hopefully today is not a repeat of yesterday. I don't know if either of us could take it, especially since Ryan has to work tonight. I can't wait until he can roll. Then I can put him to sleep on his stomach. I think he sleeps better that way.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Yesterday was Lincoln's two month doctor's appointment. He got his first round of shots. It was very traumatic for him. I had to hold his arms and legs so he wouldn't move. He screamed so loud and probably hated me for a little while. After the shots were done and I was trying to calm him down he had the saddest look on his face, like he was saying, "How could you Mom?" Good thing he's still little and can't really remember.

We also got his measuring done. He is 25 1/2 inches long with a 16 inch head and he weighs 14 pounds, 5 1/2 ounces. He is growing like a weed. He was in about the 95th percentile for weight and a little above the 95th percentile for length. At least he is growing proportionately. He is going to be bigger than his cousin Jackson though with no problem. He is 19 pounds 8 ounces, but he is 7 months older than Lincoln. I've just come to accept that I have a giant baby.

Trunk or Treat

Saturday was the church Trunk or Treat activity. Ryan and I are in the primary, so we always help out. Grandma and Grandpa Dempsey came over earlier that day and brought Lincoln his first Halloween costume.

Grandpa putting his hat on Lincoln

He is the cutest tiger

Ryan carved a pumpkin for the pumpkin carving "contest".
They never said who won though.

The pumpkin next to Ryan's is Joel' is the Joker
At least there were other pumpkins this year. Last year ours was the only one.
Ryan always has fun carving it though.

Lincoln even had a pumpkin this year. It looks like him doesn't it?

We had an activity booth that we ran. We were in charge of the "Balloon Spiders". Lincoln ended up falling asleep and Ryan was holding him, so he disappeared and went and did some other stuff, leaving me all alone to try and help continuous swarms of kids make their balloon spiders. I definitely needed another person helping me. Luckily most kids came in with their parents, so they could help out.

Yohann was a dinosaur and Kamina was a turtle

Jessi and Devin were chefs and Myla was the lobster in a cute!

It was a pretty fun night all together. We always have fun at the primary activities.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Husband Tag

Where did you meet your husband? At Celebration Cinema, where we both still work.

How long have you been married? 2 years + 2 weeks

What does he do that surprises you? He rubs my feet, even when they are dirty or stinky.

What is your favorite feature of his?His smile/laugh...I can't get enough of his laugh.

Does he have any annoying habit? Sometimes he will pull his eyelashes out...I hate that.

What is your favorite quality of his? That he is passive, just like me, and doesn't let things get to him. Also, I love it when he sings and changes the words of the song to go with the current situation. It is usually pretty humorous.

Does he have a nickname for you? Nomes or babe.

What is his favorite color? It changes from time to time, but I'm pretty sure it is still yellow.

What is his favorite food? Pizza

What is his favorite sport? It is now golf.

When and where was your first kiss? March 5, 2004 in his car in front of my apartment...that was the official start of our relationship.

What is your favorite thing to do as a couple? I guess see movies...I know lame, right?... since we work at a movie theatre. We don't get out much.

Do you have any kids? One 2 month old son, Lincoln.

Does he have a hidden talent? He remembers just about everything that happens to him, even the little seemingly meaningless details.

How old is he? 24...he married an older woman.

Who said I love you first? I did, and I don't let him forget it.

What is his favorite type of music? R&B, but he is starting to like rock more and more.

What do you admire most about him? How tolerable he is of my frequent laziness and his willingness to take care of things in those times. But most of all, how much love he shows for me all the time.

Will he read this? Eventually...I love you Ryan!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Baby Milestones

Hanging out with Grandma

Sunday we blessed Lincoln at church. I wanted to wait until Ashley got home, that is why it took so long. Then Monday was Lincoln's two month birthday. He has been changing a lot lately. He is a pretty happy baby. He smiles a lot, and I love it when he coos. I'm just waiting for that first laugh. There are sometimes when I think he gets close. He is starting to be able to sit still for longer periods of time and kind of entertain himself, which is good. Next we just have to wait for him to be able to grasp stuff so he can play with things and not have to be held so much. He also kicks his legs like crazy and if you hold him up on your lap he jumps now. He loves jumping. It is amazing how fast he is growing. I look back at pictures from a month ago and he has already changed so much.

He is such a happy baby...I love his smile

Two months old!!!

I put him in the tub and he immediately put his arms up over the sides...just relaxing.

Good Times

Yohann is driving to the Cider Mill

Well, this past weekend was a good one. This is the first chance I have gotten to sit down and actually write something. Saturday was my birthday...and that means the Cider Mill. That is the first tradition that Ryan and I started together. Since my birthday is in October it is a prime time to go to the Cider Mill. We picked out a pumpkin to carve, and got cider and donuts. Ryan doesn't allow us to get cider from anywhere else until we get it from the cider mill. It kind of kicks off the season. Ashley came into town to visit for a couple days (she just left Wednesday) and Joel and Michela even came with us this year. It was a lot of fun. Then that night we went to a corn maze. We took Ashley, Kent, and Oscar with us. The boys had never been to a corn maze, so it was entertaining. We got lost a couple of times, but where is the fun if you don't.

Lincoln enjoying the Cider Mill (he's not as chubby as he looks in these pictures)

My little cutie

This was the best shot I got of Lincoln and Yohann

This is our first picture together as a family

It was nice having Ashley here to spend a little time with us. She spent a lot of time holding Lincoln, which was nice, and trying to catch up on some of the movies she had missed over the past year and a half. We got to talk a little bit about what is going on with us. It is great to have her home to talk to again.

(I'm finally posting this after having worked on it for two days. Things take a little longer with Lincon.)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Time Flies

Today Ryan and I have been married for two years!! It has gone by so fast. My love for him grows every day. And it is amazing that we have a family now. It is no longer just the two of us.

We went out last night to celebrate since Ryan has to work tonight. We dropped Lincoln off at Grandma and Grandpa Dempsey's so we could fully enjoy the evening. It was strange not having him there with us, but nice to be able to spend time together. I can't believe it's been two years already! Another year will go by before we know it. I love you baby!!

Back "Home" Again

So Sunday we were able to go back home to Port Huron and spend time with family. Ashley just got home from her mission, so that was the main reason for going home, but it was really nice to spend time with my family. I don't get to see them enough. It was so good to see Ashley again. A year and a half is a long time to not see a best friend. We didn't get to spend any time talking and releasing cares and frustrations and whatnot like we usually do though. Hopefully soon. I got a lot of good pictures of everyone hanging out. Here are the best ones.

As soon as we got there of course Lincoln was hungry, so grandpa fed him

Everyone playing with Yoh

This is typical Sunday afternoon grandpa

Our family's newest member, Oscar

He is an exchange student from Chile

This is a great picture because Kent never smiles for pictures

Yohann sharing our traditional

Sunday night popcorn with grandpa


My beautiful sisters with Lincoln

Lincoln was angry grandma took his shirt off

Exhausted after a long day

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Not so little

So my little boy is not so little, in fact he is quite a big boy. It may have something to do with the fact that he is a very healthy eater, I don't know.

I don't know how much
he weighs now, but at one month he had already packed on more than two pounds more. He hides the weight well though, as he does not appear fat. He is very well proportioned. He is not even two months old yet, but he has been wearing three month clothes for probably at least a month now.

Not only is he b
ig, but he is super strong too. He was already holding his own head up at one day old, but fairly recently he started really kicking his legs. If you hold him up he will now jump on your lap. I'll have to see if I can get a video of it. I have a feeling he is going to grow really fast. I better not blink because I don't want to miss anything.

Kamina loves Lincoln

It's crazy how much he looks like Ryan!

Kamina is a good big sister

This one is great because they are in the same pose

Compared to tiny little Raelani, Lincoln is a beast. They are one month apart!

Cora with our two cuties.
Who knew when we became roommates 6 years ago that we would become best friends and have our kids grow up together?