Friday, April 17, 2009

Cutest Baby?

Is Lincoln the cutest baby? We sure think so! The other day we entered Lincoln into a cutest baby contest. The winner will be on the cover of a magazine and appear on Good Morning America. That would be pretty sweet. We are hoping to be at least one of the 8 semi-finalists. We would go on an all expense paid trip to New York...round trip airfare, ground transportation, 3-night stay at a hotel, and $200 spending cash for food, a gift card for The Childcare's Place, as well as a photo shoot.

Here is the picture we entered

In other exciting news, my sister Ashley just got engaged at the beginning of this week. I am so excited for her. I have never met her now fiance Zac, but he seems like a perfect match for her. Now to wait for the wedding...I can't wait. I love weddings, and family weddings are even better.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

It's been a while

Okay, so it's been like a month since I wrote on here. I am like the worst at keeping things updated. I'm actually surprised at how well I was doing.

Well, Chicago was great. We had so much fun.

Ryan and me playing with the cow eyes we dissected
at the Museum of Science and Industry

We saw lots of cool stuff, and Blue Man Group was awesome. If anyone ever gets the chance, I would definitely recommend seeing them. The place where we saw them was really small too, so it was really intimate.

On the second day, after seeing kids at the museums all day, I started missing Lincoln, so we had to call Ryan's parents so I could talk to him. Marge said the whole time I was talking to him he was smiling. I really missed him and was happy to see him when we got home, even though he was sleeping.

So Lincoln is a little explorer now. He is pulling himself up on anything and everything. Falling doesn't stop him either, he just gets back up and tries again. When he falls we try not to "notice" it unless he is really hurt. We don't want him thinking every time he falls we are going to come running. He had been doing his "army crawl" for a couple months where he would sometimes crawl with one leg, sometimes just pull himself along with his arms. On Sunday he started actually crawling. He is still pulling himself along sometimes, but he is actually trying to crawl now. I don't think it will be too long before he tries to walk. He is so fearless. He already tries to let go of things while standing, usually resulting in falling on his butt. Good thing he has a good cushion.

Let's see...what else? He absolutely loves getting baths. He splashes and plays with his bath toys and we can pour water over his head and get his face wet and he doesn't even care.
We actually gave him his first shower, but he didn't like it nearly as much. I can't wait until summer when we can take him to the lake and he can play in the water and go "swimming".

He went in a swing for the first time and he loves that too. He is so cute. We actually push him too, not tiny little pushes where he barely moves, and he just smiles and laughs. He is learning how to use his voice more, and lately he has been doing this thing where he growls. It is so funny. We call him "monster baby".

He loves eating his baby food. We haven't found anything he doesn't like yet, and it seems to me that he likes vegetables more than fruit. He is not picky though...hopefully he stays that way. He is eating finger foods now too. He loves the little puffs, and he has even tried some table food. He is growing up so fast. At his last appointment he weighed 20 lb 9 oz, and he was 29 1/2 inches long. He is a big boy...still in about the 90th percentile for weight, and over the 97th percentile for height.

I don't think there is anything else I wanted to mention. Not too much has been happening with Ryan and me. Other than things that happen with Lincoln, we lead pretty boring lives. (Sorry this is a long post).